Sivas’ta sağlık çalışanları konser verdi

Sağlık Çalışanları Sivas’ta Unutulmaz Bir Konser Verdi

Sivas Medican Hospital and the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism organized a concert titled “Colors of Spring Meet with Songs”. The choir composed of doctors, nurses, and healthcare personnel performed Turkish Folk Music works. Sivas Governor Yılmaz Şimşek and members of the provincial protocol attended the concert. The concert started with a minute of silence and the national anthem, followed by the famous troubadours’ songs. The concert received great interest from the audience.

In his opening speech, Hospital General Manager Dr. Osman Kara stated, “Sivas, with its deep troubadour and troubadour legacy, has a unique place in folk music. Sivas, which hosts the rooted tradition of Turkish folk music, has nurtured many folk troubadours such as Aşık Veysel, Aşık Ruhsati, and Pir Sultan Abdal. Naturally, the people living in Sivas have a strong connection with folk songs. Our choir consisted of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers from our hospital who, after their busy schedules, came together and diligently conducted choir rehearsals. I am grateful to them. I would like to thank our conductor Yunus Emre Şeker, Dr. İsmail Erdoğu, Dr. Mahmut Yıldırım, and all other choir members for their efforts in making this concert happen. I also thank Mr. Aziz Bey, our Provincial Director of Culture, for their support. I dedicate this concert to you, our esteemed guests. Welcome and enjoy the show.”

Cardiology Specialist İsmail Erdoğu said, “We have a Turkish Folk Music choir that we will organize for the 3rd time this year. We are excited to perform. We have chosen pieces from different regions of Turkey with different themes. We liked them very much and we believe that the listeners will also enjoy them. Healthcare workers are people who work under intense stress. They accompany many emotions of people. We work in Sivas. Sivas is known for its troubadours. Here, we aimed to create awareness and ensure that our folk songs are not forgotten.”

Pediatrician Mahmut Yıldırım, who is a member of the choir, added, “We are people who work intensely during our shifts. We are people who provide service 24/7. We work with all our might for the health of the people. While thinking about what we can do in our free time, we saw that there are many friends in Sivas, the heart of Turkish Folk Music, who are devoted to folk songs. We set out on a path and started organizing these concerts for 3 years. Our choir is not only composed of doctors. We have colleagues from all units in our choir. We have created a beautiful unity and produced a beautiful product. I hope Sivas locals will enjoy it.”